In my last post, I talked about how serious Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's views are: views that include destruction of Israel and Jews, violent overthrow of the West, and a good barrel full of fun Islamic extremist views to boot, including complete denial of the Holocaust. Toss in his publicly open vying for nuclear materials, and you've got a dangerous world situation on your hands.
If one could take Adolf Hitler and replace the term "Aryan" with "Muslim", you'd have Mr. Ahmadinejad, quite literally.
Well, today Mr. Ahmadinejad has just raised the stakes. In a thinly veiled ploy of religious persecution of non-Muslims, he's now imposing a law which requires all Jews to wear a yellow mark--Christians, a red mark--on their clothes, identifying them as such. Sound familiar?
Several Muslims responded to my last post on Ahmadinejad. You guys kept things civil, thanks, I appreciate that. Not a single one of you, however, rebuked this Muslim of being unrepresentative of the Islamic faith. Instead, I received feedback from an Islamic Egyptian named Moustafa claiming Ahmadinejad's views are valid, another Muslim criticising Bush instead, claiming Bush and Ahmadinejad are equals, and yet another Muslim claiming the West is just out to demonize Islam. Not a single one of you condemned the views of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
This is one thing that continues to astound me. The West really criticizes Islam for being such a violent religion, it's true; the response back from Muslims is that the violence only comes from a small sect of Islam and is not representative of Islam as a whole. But here, in plain public view, is the purely evil views and violent spoutings of a Muslim in the name of Islam. He is the perfect stereotypical violent Muslim, in the West's eyes. So where is this peaceful majority of Islam I keep hearing about? Where is the public Islamic decrying of Ahmadinejad's views? All I've heard so far is apologetics. Is Ahmadinejad right in everything he's saying, according to mainstream Islam? For God's sake, I hope not.