I was listening to Chavah Messianic Radio the other day and, one after another, I heard songs I just thought were junk.
Usually, I thumb-down songs I don't like; doing so tells Chavah not to play that song for me. But other times, I'm just lazy, and suffer through the bad stuff. It occurred to me that if I play Chavah to an audience of people, I'd be embarrassed about some of the tunes that play on there. Some songs sound too much an imitation of secular music. Some songs are amateur hour. Some songs are more Christian than Messianic. Personal tastes. Some music just isn't uplifting to me.
And that goes for everyone. One person told me recently, "I have to thumb-down half the songs on Chavah before I hear anything I like!"
I sympathize. When I first started Chavah last year, I was very discriminating in the quality of music I allowed on the station. Over time, however, I became more lenient; even though I don't like some of the modern/secular-sounding music, for instance, some Messianics certainly do. My tastes aren't everyone else's. So, I opened the gates. And with the addition of the Upload Your Music To Chavah feature, a wide variety of music flooded the gates, and with my new lenient outlook, most of those made it onto Chavah.
This flood of music making it onto Chavah has had two effects: one positive, one adverse.
- The good: There's a LOT of music on Chavah, and a lot of variety: thousands of songs, live performances, chants, and prayers; everything from well-known artists like Joel Chernoff and Paul Wilbur, to little-known, independent, and rare tunes from Alexander Roytman, Cari Eyres, Star of David Singers, and other artists you've never heard of.
- The bad: There's a lot of junk music on Chavah.
By junk, I mean music you probably won't like. It's inevitable: with the vast variety on Chavah, you're going to run into stuff you don't like.
I hold a software philosophy that says, "Build the software you want to use, and others will want to use it, too." Applying this to Chavah, I want Chavah to play less junk, less of the stuff I don't like, and more of the stuff I do.
Towards this goal, last night I rolled out a new version of Chavah that includes a major algorithms overhaul.
Previously, Chavah worked like this:
- Look at your song likes and dislikes, and favor playing your liked songs, throw in some unranked songs, and rarely play your dislikes.
- Factor in a small percentage if the song has a net positive rating.
- Favor shabbat songs during shabbat.
This worked OK, except for the aforementioned problem: it played too much junk.
Songs that were negatively rated by the Messianic community would still play regularly, especially if you didn't thumb it down yourself. And Chavah didn't distinguish between songs with, say, a 5 ranking, and songs with a high (20+ or 30+) rank.
With the new overhaul, Chavah's algorithms for choosing songs to play is more intelligent, more discriminating. It now looks like this:
- Apply explicit weights to each song based on popularity: negative songs have tiny weight, little-rated and unrated songs have normal weight, songs with 10-20 rank have heavier weight, and so on.
- Apply feast-specific weights: shabbat songs have higher weight during shabbat, chanukkah songs have more weight during chanukkah, etc.
- Then all this is governed by a personal preference multiplier: if you dislike the song, it will be unlikely to play even if it was weighty from the previous steps. Likewise, songs you haven't ranked use their given weightiness, and songs you've thumbed-up take on a weightiness multiplier.
The weights are then used in a random selector, with the weighty songs more likely to play.
The end result of this algorithm overhaul is that Chavah plays more of the stuff you like, less of the stuff you don't.
Also since many people are listening to Chavah for the first time, or have never rated songs, Chavah will favor playing songs that are highly-ranked by the Messianic community. The idea is, if lots of people thumb-up a particular song, it's likely you will, too. Chavah will occasionally throw in new music that hasn't had many ratings so as to give new albums and songs a chance to gain popularity. Songs that quickly have negative rankings will be rarely played, unless you explicitly thumbed-up them.
Bottom line: Chavah will play more of the good stuff: things you like, and things the Messianic community likes.
What does the Messianic community like?
Last year, I was flipping through TV channels when I came across a Christian version of American Idol. You know, that television program where hopeful singers audition before expert judges, who then tell the singers whether they have any shot at making it in the Big Time.
The Christian version of the show was laughable: the judges gave everyone the thumb-up. Because none of them wanted to say anything bad about the singers, because of western politeness, and because no one wanted to come off all mean and un-Christ-like, the judges just said nice things about each singer that auditioned.
How does that relate to Chavah and the Messianic community?
Well, as it turns out, the anonymity granted by the internet favors honesty over politeness. No one's afraid to thumb-down a song when you don't have to explain to the artist why you think his music is junk. Chavah tricks polite, Christ-following westerners into being brutally honest.
And yes, unlike the Christian American Idol, the Messianic community has been brutally honest! You, the Messianic community, regularly thumb-down the songs you don't like, and that shapes Chavah's own digital brain, inducing her to play more of the good stuff and less of the bad.
Now that Chavah's been in use for over a year, I thought I'd reflect on the things the Messianic community really does like. I've queried my sweet Chavah for these statistics, and she's graciously responded with the following:
Top 25 songs | ||
Song | Artist | Community Rank |
We Delight in Your Shabbat | Barry & Batya Segal | 62 |
Baruch Adonai | Joel Chernoff | 59 |
Enter Into Shabbat | Roman and Alaina | 52 |
Kadosh | Barry & Batya Segal | 43 |
Walk in the Light | Ted Pearce | 40 |
Hodu L'Adonai | Barry & Batya Segal | 36 |
Yom Shekulo Shabbat | Steve McConnell | 36 |
We Delight in Your Shabbat | Aviad Cohen | 35 |
Shalom Jerusalem | Israel's Hope | 34 |
Your Name | Zemer Levav | 34 |
Y'hi Shem Adonai M'Vorach | Steve McConnell | 33 |
They Will Bow | Sharon Wilbur | 32 |
Dance With Me | Paul Wilbur | 32 |
Kineti | Ted Pearce | 32 |
Sha'alu Shalom | Ted Pearce | 32 |
Sukkot Song | Steve McConnell | 31 |
The God of Peace | Marty Goetz | 31 |
Gili Meod | Ted Pearce | 30 |
Babylon | Ted Pearce | 29 |
Congregation of the Righteous | Ted Pearce | 29 |
Gadlu l'Adonai Iti | Steve McConnell | 29 |
The Time To Favor Zion | Ted Pearce | 29 |
Zealous Over Zion | Ted Pearce | 29 |
Shalom | Ted Pearce | 29 |
Shabbat Shleva (Sabbath of Peace) | Meha Shamayim | 29 |
Top 25 Artists | ||
Artist | Community Rank | Total Songs |
Ted Pearce | 23.7027027027027 | 37 |
Steve McConnell | 19.4444444444444 | 45 |
Sharon Wilbur | 18.4736842105263 | 19 |
Barry & Batya Segal | 18.3571428571429 | 42 |
Israel's Hope | 18.28 | 25 |
Natasha Kraus-Reynolds | 17.9 | 10 |
Roman and Alaina | 17.2941176470588 | 17 |
Meha Shamayim | 16.3888888888889 | 18 |
Marty Goetz | 15.0210526315789 | 95 |
Joel Chernoff | 13.4838709677419 | 31 |
Avner & Rachel Boskey | 13.3333333333333 | 54 |
Paul Wilbur | 13.2396694214876 | 121 |
Jimmie Black | 12.6 | 25 |
Sons of Korah | 12.2 | 25 |
Zemer Levav | 12.0540540540541 | 37 |
Micha'el Eliyahu BenDavid | 11.265306122449 | 49 |
Aviad Cohen | 11.26 | 50 |
Lev Shelo | 10.75 | 16 |
Maurice Sklar | 9.5 | 12 |
Benjamin Malgo | 9.45454545454546 | 11 |
Lamb | 9.38650306748466 | 163 |
Rivka Whitten | 8.91666666666667 | 12 |
Yerubilee | 8.4 | 10 |
Deborah Kline-Iantorno | 8 | 12 |
Bruce Cohen | 7.84210526315789 | 19 |
Top 25 albums | |
Album | Community Rank |
Ted Pearce - Zealous Over Zion | 25.6923076923077 |
Ted Pearce - Hallelu Et Adonai | 25.0909090909091 |
Sharon Wilbur - You're My Heart | 24 |
Steve McConnell - Hamoedim | 23.7 |
Steve McConnell - We Delight | 23.2727272727273 |
Barry & Batya Segal - Sh'ma Yisrael | 22.7058823529412 |
Zemer Levav - As Long As I Breathe | 22.0909090909091 |
Barry & Batya Segal - Go Through The Gates | 21.5833333333333 |
Marty Goetz - Hope Of Glory | 21.0714285714286 |
Ted Pearce - Battle For Zion | 20.1818181818182 |
Roman and Alaina - Sounds of Prayer | 20.1666666666667 |
Paul Wilbur - The Watchman | 20.1666666666667 |
Israel's Hope - Arise O Lord | 19.2307692307692 |
Paul Wilbur - Lion of Judah | 19.0833333333333 |
Avner & Rachel Boskey - Ancient Gates | 18.5384615384615 |
Paul Wilbur - Desert Rain | 18.3636363636364 |
Marty Goetz - Songs of Our Heritage | 18.3636363636364 |
Paul Wilbur - Jerusalem Arise | 18 |
Natasha Kraus-Reynolds - Children of the Light | 17.9 |
Israel's Hope - Introducing Israel's Hope | 17.25 |
Joel Chernoff - Come Dance With Me | 16.9230769230769 |
Marty Goetz - I Call You Friend | 16.9 |
Marty Goetz - Sanctuary | 16.9 |
Karen Davis - For Zion's Sake | 16.6875 |
Troy Mitchell - Yoke of the King | 16.6363636363636 |
Top Song Per Artist | ||
Artist | Song | CommunityRank |
A B Singers | Hatikva (The Hope) | 8 |
Alexander Roytman | Sim Shalom | 5 |
Ami Shavit | She`Yibane Beit Ha`Mikdash (May The Temple Be Rebuilt) | 7 |
Ann Hilsden | Hal'li Nafshi | 8 |
Aviad Cohen | We Delight in Your Shabbat | 35 |
Avner & Rachel Boskey | Give Us Peace | 25 |
Barak | Eli, Eli (instrumental) | 13 |
Barry & Batya Segal | We Delight in Your Shabbat | 62 |
Barry and Batya Segal | UN Vote | 7 |
Baruch Baoz | Birkat Hachenim (Aaronic Benediction) | 3 |
Baruch HaShem Worship Team | Joel 3:16-18 | 19 |
Beit Immanuel Congregation | Come My Love | 4 |
Ben & Lydia Zaslow | Shabbat Shalom | 10 |
Ben & Vera Karlsson | Shalu Shalom Yerushalaim, Hine Mah Tov, Od Yishana | 8 |
Benjamin Malgo | Hatikvah | 25 |
Brian Doerksen | Psalm 13 | 12 |
Bruce & Lynne Patterson | Kadosh (Holy) | 18 |
Bruce Cohen | I Will Call | 14 |
CC Jones | My Savior, My God (Psalm 21) | 7 |
Cari Eyres | My Soul's Sunrise | 13 |
Carol Cantrell | Shabchi Yerushalayim (Praise, O Jerusalem) | 1 |
Carolyn Hyde | Od Ve' Od | 23 |
Celeste Mills and Chaim Warshawsky | Comfort My People | 5 |
Celia Whitler | My Heart Is Quieted (Psalm 131) | 7 |
Chaim Warchawsky | Shema (Hear O Israel) | 9 |
Chuck King | Sh'ma Yisrael | 13 |
Daniel Carmel | Jerusalem | 10 |
Daniel Kopp & Sarah Liberman | Hal'lu Et Adonai (Praise The Lord) | 6 |
David Edwards | Strength of the River (Psalm 46) | 13 |
David Loden | Rachem Adonai (Have Mercy, O Lord) | 1 |
Deanne Glenn | Homeward Bound | 11 |
Deborah Kline-Iantorno | Forever Praise Your Name | 13 |
Double Portion Worship Team | Mi Kamoka | 15 |
Dov Zeira | Hevenu Shalom Aleichem | 7 |
Effi Netzer Band | Hava Netze BeMachol (Let Us Dance) | 2 |
Eitan Masuri | Shabechi Yerushalayim (Praise The Lord- O Jerusalem) | 5 |
Elana Watson | Ani Mamina | 24 |
Elisheva Shomron | Ahava Ko Adira (Love So Great) | 6 |
Ephraim Ben Yoseph | Voice of the Innocent | 10 |
Esther 'Eti' Horesh | Hatikvah (The Hope, Israel's National Anthem) | 7 |
Evan Levine | May The God of Israel Reign | 22 |
Grupo Jerusalem | Sim Shalom | 14 |
Hagevatron | Tzion Tamati (Zion My Innocent) | 5 |
Heartsville | Kadosh | 16 |
Hector David | Shema | 7 |
Helen Shapiro | Ha Shiveinu, Seh Ha Elohim | 7 |
Inna Pikman | Baruch Adonai | 18 |
Israel's Hope | Shalom Jerusalem | 34 |
Jarmula Band | Kol Naolam | 4 |
Jeanne Gere | I Am Not Afraid (Psalm 23) | 12 |
Jeanne Gere, Kevin Stokes, Katie Giguere | Sing To The Lord, You Saints of His (Psalm 30) | 5 |
Jerry Marcellino | Arise O Lord | 18 |
Jimmie Black | Holy Unto The Lord | 21 |
Joel Chernoff | Baruch Adonai | 59 |
Jonathan & Cindy Bernd | Va'ani Ashir | 10 |
Jonathan Kegans | Face to Face | 10 |
Jonathan Lane | Come My Beloved | 15 |
Jonathan Settel | Shabbat Medley | 23 |
Jonathan and Cindy Bernd | Hoi Kol Tsameh | 6 |
Jordan Marcellino | Psalm 91 | 9 |
Joy Griffiths | Holy is the Lord | 13 |
Jubilare Singers | I Will Serve No Foreign God (Psalm 81-9) | 9 |
Judah & Jennifer Morrison | Ezo Min Ahavah Zot | 10 |
Karen Davis | Ata Tzuri | 21 |
Karen-Or Karni Hirsch | Ki Shem Adonai Ekra (I Will Call On Adonai) | 4 |
Kathy Shooster | Seek The Lord | 7 |
Katie Giguere | Just By Your Mercy (Psalm 5) | 5 |
Katy Giguere | He Who Dwells In The Shelter of the Lord (Psalm 91) | 3 |
Kehilat Ha Ma'ayan Congregation | Ata Adonai (Reprise) | 5 |
Kelly Willard | The Wings of the Morning (Psalm 139-7-14) | 7 |
Ken Lane | Avvon D'bish'Maiya | 6 |
Keren & David Seguin | Kadosh Atah (You are Holy) | 24 |
Kevin Knott | Mayim Mi Shamayim | 11 |
Kibbutz Ha`Ma`apil Trio | Mizmor Le`David (A Psalm Of David) | 2 |
Kirk Dearman | Hear, O Shepherd of Israel (Psalm 80) | 11 |
Kol Simcha | They Who Trust In The Lord | 10 |
LaDonna Taylor | Hava Nagila | 20 |
Lamb | Sh'ma Yisrael | 22 |
Lee Rothman | Aaronic Blessing | 9 |
Lenny & Varda Harris | The Word of Adonai | 19 |
Lenny and Varda Harris | Mashiach Ben-David | 17 |
Lev Shelo | Osse Shalom Bimromav | 22 |
Liberated Wailing Wall | Avinu Malkenu | 15 |
Luanne Sayag | Seh HaElohim (Lamb of God) | 9 |
Lynne McDowell | One Thing I Ask | 9 |
Maranatha Singers | Shaalu Shalom Yerushalayim | 18 |
Marc Chopinsky | Blessed Is The Man | 4 |
Margaret Becker | Create In Me (Psalm 51) | 14 |
Martin Sarvis | Lament | 7 |
Marty Goetz | The God of Peace | 31 |
Mason Clover | Your Prayer | 16 |
Maurice Sklar | Schindler's List, Via Delorosa Medley | 20 |
Maurice Sklar & Hugh Sung | Hebrew Dance and Chant | 6 |
Meha Shamayim | Shebbat Shleva (Sabbath of Peace) | 29 |
Micha'el Eliyahu BenDavid | Shiru L'Adonai (Sing to the Lord) | 28 |
Mijael Hayom | Tob Lehodot | 10 |
Naftsali Imber | Hatikva | 12 |
Natasha Kraus-Reynolds | Hear the Voice | 26 |
New Wine | Kuma Adonai | 11 |
Nomi Pritz & Roy Kendall | Be'Libi Tzafanti | 9 |
Oxana Eliahu | In the Depth of My Heart | 7 |
Paul Wilbur | Dance With Me | 32 |
Philip Stanley Klein | Yisrael My Glory | 5 |
Rachael Washington | Wherever You Go (The Vow) | 23 |
Rachel Boskey | Save Your People | 7 |
Rebecca Weiler | Halo Yadata (Have You Not Known) | 14 |
Regina Zaki | Nigun Atik (Ancient Melody) | 4 |
Renewal | Kyrie | 8 |
Ric Blair | Psalm 95 | 5 |
Rivka Whitten | Peace Be With You | 14 |
Robin Mark | Ancient Words | 16 |
Roeh Israel Worship Team | Catch Me In Your Gaze | 17 |
Roman and Alaina | Enter Into Shabbat | 52 |
Roy Kendall | As the Deer Pants | 10 |
Sara Herndon and Jonathan Sacks | Brethren, My Heart's Desire | 4 |
Sasha Roytman | Yeshua Is My Lord | 8 |
Savae | Sounding of the Shofar and Sh'ma Israel (Hear, O Israel) | 10 |
Sha'rei HaShamayim | I Believe | 7 |
Sharon Wilbur | They Will Bow | 32 |
Sheli Myers | Adonai Ahuvi | 10 |
Shmulik Nissim | The Love You Never Had | 7 |
Sons of Korah | Hand To The Plough | 18 |
Sons of Korah | Lift Up Your Heads (Psalm 24) | 20 |
Steve Bell | Remember Me (Psalm 25) | 19 |
Steve McConnell | Yom Shekulo Shabbat | 36 |
Ted Pearce | Walk in the Light | 40 |
Tents of Mercy | Ahavata Oti Rishon | 9 |
The Effi Netzer Singers | Havenu Shalom Aleichem (We Bring You Peace) | 4 |
The Star of David Singers | Weep, Wail | 7 |
Tina Bolinger | Psalm 96 | 9 |
Troy Mitchell | Peace | 29 |
Unknown Artist | Ose Shalom | 12 |
Various Artists | Hinei Ma Tov (Behold How Good) | 8 |
Vesna Beuhler | Ana Adonai (O Lord, Please Save Us!) | 15 |
Voices Of Israel | Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold) | 5 |
Yerubilee | Wait on the Lord | 24 |
Yosef Karduner | Hiney Lo Yanum | 7 |
Zamru Lo Singers | Hallelu Hu (Praise Him) | 2 |
Zemer Levav | Your Name | 34 |
Note that these statistics reflect a disadvantage for songs that haven't been on Chavah for very long. Fewer folks have heard the newer songs, artists, and albums, therefore fewer folks have rated them, with the end result of a lower average community rating. This disadvantage will smooth out over time as the 100 people that upvoted a song will eventually hear the lesser-heard song, and more votes will be cast for those.
What can we glean from these results? Here’s a few quick observations:
- The Messianic community really likes Ted Pearce and Steve McConnell. The average community rank for their songs puts them as the top 2 artists, and each have 2 albums in the top 5 albums.
- Sharon Wilbur sneaks her 5-song LP, You’re My Heart, into the #3 album, however, with just 5 songs on that LP, she’s at an unfair advantage. Even so, her full 14-song album, Mercy Calling, is ranked well by the community at a 16.4 average, coming in at 26th on the albums chart, just beneath Troy Mitchell’s Yoke of the King.
- I’m a bit saddened to see Messianic music pioneer group LAMB only made it to spot #21 in the artist ranking – they are #1 in my book. Much of their music isn’t modern-sounding, so it has less appeal to many Messianics. At 163 total songs, they far surpass any other artist in terms of quantity, and for much of their music, quality as well.
- A statistical oddity is Troy Mitchell: his first album, a chanting-only, traditional prayers album, Seudat Mashiach, is rated poorly by the community; an average of –2 for the whole album; ouch. But his second album, released last year, rates marvelously, even making the top 25 album list. It may be explained by Chavah listeners preferring music to chanting.
- Modern Messianic group Roman and Alaina, and Roman’s former group, Meha Shamayim, are doing quite well. I reviewed their Sounds of Prayer album a few years ago here on the Kineti blog, where I related this album would be one of the best around. Turns out my prediction was accurate: Sounds of Prayer is currently in #11 on the top Messianic albums of all time, as rated by the Messianic community.
- Paul Wilbur’s old Messianic group from the 1980s, Israel’s Hope, fares better than Paul’s modern albums. Ditto for Israel’s Hope co-founder Marc Chopinsky. This aligns with my own thoughts that Paul and Marc worked much better together as Israel’s Hope, than they have as independent artists. I suggest Paul and Marc and Rene hook up for an Israel’s Hope reunion album and put together some smash hit tunes for the Lord. (I can dream, can’t I? )
- Marty Goetz is some fine wine and cheese - he gets better with age. He’s got several albums in the top 25 albums list, but his latest album, Hope of Glory, is highest ranked at #9. His highest ranked song, God of Peace, is also from his latest album. Go Marty!
There you have it, folks. A new and improved Chavah with more awesomesauce. If you haven't tried Chavah yet, or were discouraged by too much junk when you did, I encourage you to give Chavah a spin. With her new musically-selective brain in place, she's sure to please.
Wow, I absolutely love the statistical breakdown of the site and it makes more sense with any true radio station to play the best songs with new ones mixed in. It is good to stay away from those songs that people just do not like much. I like the honesty in the evaluations. I appreciated the new music and have liked to hear new music, thanks for all the tunes!!
Do you not play Sue Samuel, Billy Whitman, Inna Pikman, or Debbi Kline? It makes no sense that they aren't in that mix.
ReplyDeleteI play Inna Pikman's music as well as Deborah Kline-Iantorno's tunes. (In fact, I just got Deborah's new album up last week.)
I don't have Sue Samuel or Billy Whitman. If you have tunes you'd like to contribute, click the "Upload your music to Chavah" button. Thanks!
I just linked to this post in my post on Ted Pearce & Messianic Music.