Would you like to hear non-Messianic Jewish music on Chavah?
As you might know, I’ve built a little Messianic music service called Chavah – internet radio for Yeshua’s disciples. I’m particularly proud of this work. It’s a Pandora-like music player that streams Messiah tunes through your web browser, enriching your ears in the process.And it’s cross-platform. That means it runs on Mac or PC, and on just about every web browser, including the big 4: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
Since I released Chavah about 2 months ago, we’ve streamed over 8300 Messianic tunes! Woot!
Up till now, I’ve included only Messianic artists –
- Marty Goetz
- Lamb
- Joel Chernoff
- Meha Shamayim
- Roman & Alaina
- Ted Pearce
- Israel’s Hope
- Avner & Rachel Boskey
- Barry & Batya Segal
- Steve McConnell
- Sharon Wilbur
In addition to the music, I’ve included some Hebrew chants, liturgical prayers, and theatrical Scripture readings. A little something for everybody. It’s a good mix.
I’ve been selective about which tunes to include, trying to keep quality above quantity.
My initial thinking in using only Messianic artists was, “this is music for Yeshua’s disciples – why include music from artists that reject Yeshua?”
In fact, a Hebrew Christian musician friend advised me in the same – only Yeshua music for Yeshua’s disciples, he said.
But I’m having second thoughts. I like some non-Messianic Jewish artists – Shlomo Carlebach, Simcha Kanter, Shlomo Katz, even the modernly-popular Matisyahu. Their music is about God, too, and much of it is based in the psalms or the siddur, glorifying God. Some of those songs even point to Messiah. I’m conflicted.
What say you, fine blog reader? Yea or nay – include Jewish non-Messianic music on Chavah?