This week in the Messianic blogosphere. I’ve missed a few, I know, was a busy week last! Forgive me if I’ve omitted any good posts/podcasts from the past week.
- Why Do I Read Midrash - Rabbi Carl Kinbar explains his fascination with (and why it’s useful for Messianics to study) midrash, the ancient commentary on the Hebrew Scriptures.
- Does the New Testament support gentile Christians joining a Messianic congregation? - Oh boy. The publishers of the popular “Our Daily Bread” Christian devotional answer the question, “Should I attend a Torah-observant Messianic congregation?” The publishers go on to claim any return to Torah is idolatry.
They assert,
The church’s faith in the new covenant of Christ had surpassed a religion of nationalism and ritual worship.
- Obedience by Choice: A Contradiction in Terms – A One Law response to First Fruits of Zion’s recent shift in theology. Hat tip: Benzvi.
- Rabbis’ Response to the Palestinian Christian Kairos document – Palestinian Christian leaders had issued a statement against Israel. Here is the response from Israeli rabbis. Hat tip: Leman.
- The calf and the lion will feed together – James comments on Bible translations and textual issues, and how even the simplest of phrases can be interpreted with varying meaning.
- Messianic Jewish Musings - Replacing Sin with Godliness
- MessiahConnection - Vision of the Fathers, Part I
- Pastoral Epistles Study: 1 Timothy 1:8-11 – John McKee’s latest lecture on the pastoral epistles, in which he addresses the “law is not for righteous persons, but for law breakers” bit often quoted as support against Torah-keeping.
Enjoy these tasty bracha bits, fine blog readers.
The link to "Our Daily Bread" article on not joining Messianic is great!, lol, we are making an impact, so much that they have to write about it...
ReplyDeleteSo many gentiles and jews want to follow the Torah of God, and no one can stop them...
It's interesting to read the "Our Daily Bread" article back-to-back with the "Obedience by Choice" blog, since they take such different approaches to the same topic. There seems to be such a struggle with understanding that loving God and God's behavioral expectations can indeed go hand-in-hand rather than being mutually exclusive.
ReplyDeleteI've been bumping into this issue a lot lately, including engaging in an email conversation with a Christian gentleman in Australia. I suspect we'll end up agreeing to disagree. Some Gentiles (like me) seem to be just "called" to the Messianic lifestyle (probably what the "Our Daily Bread" article was trying to short circuit) but others approach Messianics as if we are radioactive and ready to explode.
This is certainly a walk that requires perseverance.
There is a good possibility that "Our Daily Bread" has been exposed to the abuses of Michael Rood, as both are located in Michigan. Much of what they say may be in reaction to this.
ReplyDelete"...turning back to the rituals....?"
ReplyDeleteMaybe the authors can tell us when did do the ritual initially?
Didn't need to read further....
Jews and Gentiles? Are we talking about the ones who are now the sons and daughters of YHWH through faith in Messiah Yeshua?
ReplyDeleteIs this getting old for anyone else?
If what Yeshua said is not true, then continues with the "Jew/ Gentile" game.
Otherwise, it would be a good idea to start believing that what He said is true.