While on the subject of Messianic blogs, I discovered just this morning The Rosh Pina Project blog, a Messianic Jewish blog that is doing a much-needed work in our movement: exposing the injustices and persecution at the hands Jewish anti-missionaries and vigilante groups that have persecuted Messiah-loving Jews in Israel and elsewhere.
(While on the subject, “anti-missionary” is a misnomer; we’re not missionaries. I prefer to call them Messiah hating Judaism-shamers, or Shamers for short.)
The blog that highlights these abuses is the Rosh Pina Project blog. It highlights Messianic Jews in the media, persecution and conversion attempts by the Shamers who try to make us abandon our hope and faith in Messiah through various underhanded means: deceptive tactics online (I’ve experienced this several times, FWIW), book burnings in the real world, physical harassment and fire bombings, hostility and hatred through vigilante violence, exploding Purim packages, you name it, the Shamers have done it.
(Someone ought to remind these misguided Jews of the greatest commandments of Torah: love God and love neighbor.)
These abuses by the Shamers too often go unnoticed:
- Many Messianic Jews wish to fit in with greater Judaism, and so they do not speak out against this in fear of drawing attention to themselves.
- Israeli Messianics have to be careful speaking out against this, lest their citizenship get revoked by the Ministry of Interior, as has been documented on several occasions.
- The Israeli media demonizes Messianic Jews as evil missionizers attempting to baptize fellow Jews into Mother Church (we’re not); newspapers like Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post have, in the past, all but excused these vigilante Shamers of Judaism, the so-called anti-missionaries.
The Rosh Pina Project is dedicated to this purpose of exposing the Shamers of Judaism. It’s about damn time, IMO. Go read.