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Ultimate Messianic Blogroll

Prominent Messianic Jewish musician Marty Goetz has started blogging. I’ve blogged before about Marty – he’s a psalmist by my measure, a talented pianist, and foremost a servant of the Lord.

With the addition of Marty Goetz, I figure now’s a good time to go over a recommended list of Messiah’s finest bloggers.

So, in no particular order, here is the Ultimate Messianic Blogroll. [Cue resounding trumpets]

If you’re not on this list, too bad, you’re just a blogging schmuck. ;-)

Must Reads

  • First Fruits of Zion blog – Posts from several respected teachers in Messianic Judaism. An occasional video blog to boot. Frequently updated.

  • Joel Chernoff’s MJAA blog – Messianic music pioneer Joel Chernoff writes on Israel, Messiah, and politics surrounding Israeli issues.

  • Toward a Messianic Judaism – Sean Emslie, student of popular MJTI rabbi Stuart Dauermann, confronts issues in building a mature Messianic Judaism.

  • McHuey blog – John McKee and Mark Huey comment on the issues facing the broad Messianic movement. John McKee is an intellectual voice and Messianic apologist with sound, academically researched papers published through his website, TnnOnline. While the TnnOnline website feels 1990s-ish, don’t let that fool you – read it for the excellent teaching, audio Scripture studies, and the popular Messianic Frequently Asked Questions section.)

  • Messianics For Torah – Author, cantor, and First Fruits of Zion contributor Aaron Eby discusses Torah observance and Jewish issues as a Messianic.

  • Derek4Messiah – Messianic rabbi, father, and writer Derek Leman posts his musings on Messianic faith, Israel, the Church, the world to come, and much more. Perhaps the most-frequently-updated Messianic blog on the web.

  • Yeshua Matters – As president of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC), Howard Silverman gives his unique survey on Messianic Judaism and the UMJC.

Honorable mentions:

  • Literary Joe – Nate Long discusses Messiah faith and family.

  • Judeoxian – Seth and Brian are self-described Christians practicing Judaism by embracing Torah as modeled by Yeshua and preserved by Judaism.

  • MJTI blogs – posts and podcasts from several Messianic Jewish teachers.

  • Christian4Moses – Studious, academic blogger Daniel writes frequently on Torah, Talmud, Chabad, Judaism, Messiah-faith, and how these all can play nice together. The reader need not agree with all the writer’s theologies to benefit from his postings.

  • Yinon blog – Monique and Rabbi Joshua co-author a blog that focuses on “Jewish life that is progressive, egalitarian, and engaging, rooted in the enduring legacy of Mashiach.”

  • Grasping Mashi’ach – Perspectives on daily life as a Messianic, posts on Torah, Talmud, Judaism, and Messiah. Blogger Paula adds a soft-spoken, sound and wise voice to the Messianic blogging scene, and her female touch results in an elegant blog to boot.

  • EmergentObserver – When I first read the name of this blog, I assumed it was unrelated to Messianic matters, and instead related to the Emergent Church movement in Christianity. To my surprise, I found Timothy Layne encouraging his readers into a deeper Messianic Jewish practice.

  • Rosh Pina Project – A new find: a thoroughly Messianic Jewish blog that highlights the persecution of Messianic Jews in Israel and the Diaspora, and calls for the fair treatment of Messianic Jews everywhere.

Dishonorable mentions:

  • Kineti L’Tziyon – Foolhardy man-boy rambles on about various nothings. Recommended action: ignore.

There it is, fine blog readers, for your intarwebs surfing pleasures, the Ultimate Messianic Blogroll. Any other good Messianic blogs out there?

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