What kind of American doesn't want to vote for sunshine and rainbows?
One of those ugly, mean conservatives, that's who.
But this man is transcendental, just listen to this speech:
"In the beginning, this Democratic Presidential campaign was a lonely one. But through the months, more and more people recognized him as a new leader. A man who will change the way this country is run. A confident man who can make our government opened and efficient. But above all, and understanding man who can make ours a government of the people once again. A leader for a change!"
Oh - wait a minute.
You thought that was an Obama speech? Umm...
Eh, oops, no, sorry, it's from an advertisement by the 1976 Presidential campaign of the disastrous Jimmy Carter administration:
Gah. Same old stuff rehashed again and again. "I'll change things! Change in Washington! I'll make you feel good about yourself!"**
**Just nevermind my lack of experience or the fact that you know very little of my policies, and pay no mind to my black racist, radical Islamic, anti-Israel friends. Vote for Obama in '08!"
Nothing new under the sun, folks.
Unfortunately, Obama is the anointed messiah of the political left here in America, not a soul is allowed to find fault with him or his politics. He will be President whether we like it or not, thanks in part to the fractured Republican base still sore over the lack of a real conservative.