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Theology is easy. Action is hard.


It’s easy to believe the thing. But few do the thing.

If I post something about theology, a hundred Facebook friends chime in with comments. The last post I wrote on the Kineti blog garnered some 50 comments digging into the intricacies of idolatry in the modern world. A recent Facebook post on abortion generated nearly 700 comments, all by followers of Jesus.

But how many of those commenters are visiting the sick? How many are feeding the poor? If even half of them would, God’s name would be amplified and Messiah lifted up as King.

Theology is easy. Action is hard.

This week I received dozens of emails, Facebook messages, and text messages about theology. One person believed a song I played on Chavah was talking about demons. Another person asked me about hidden knowledge. Another went back and forth with me about how Catholics practice idolatry. That’s fine, and not unusual. Every week people ask me about, or try to convince me of, numerous theological ideas.

But how many people are doing what Yeshua told us to do? A small fraction, to our discredit.

People are busy and doing is hard. I always understand when people can’t or won’t do.

But if I don’t do the things Messiah told us to do, I’m not really in a position to talk theology. The latest theological insight, the hidden gems in Torah, the newest prophetic revelations  -- they all mean nothing if I don’t do.

I was at a Bible study last night where we read Genesis 6, talking about Noah. Noah was saved because of two things: he had to believe and do. One without the other and he would have died like everyone else.

He had to believe even though the divine word was incredibly unlikely to happen.

But had he stopped with belief, Noah and his family would’ve died like everybody else.

Noah also had to do. He devoted decades of his life to doing. He did by building the ark that went on to save him and his family.

Belief and action saved Noah. And you know what Torah says about that? “Noah found חֵן (grace) in God’s eyes.”

So, what are you doing, fine Kineti reader? In what ways are you tangibly serving God? If your answer is, “Arguing theology on Facebook and Youtube”, you’re doing our religion wrong.

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