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Weekly Bracha 25

This week in the Messianic blogosphere, plus related items:
  • Acts 15: What Kefa Said and What Ya’akov Said – Kineti reader Efrayim looks at Acts 15 from a fresh perspective.

  • A Gospel of Continuity – A call by Messianic Jewish rabbi Stuart Dauermann to advance God’s agenda for the Jewish people:

    We who claim Yeshua the Son of David as both Lord and Messiah should be recruiting all Israel to the regathering of the seed of Jacob to the Land (aliyah), Jewish unity, repentance-renewal, allegiance to the Messiah the Son of David, Torah-based covenant faithfulness...
  • An Assault, Cloaked in Peace – New York Times article that sets the record straight on the recent Gaza flotilla incident.

  • Introducing Yechezkel Bund – The Rosh Pina bloggers highlight an ex-Messianic Jew who abandoned Yeshua, and how he worries less about Jews for Jesus, and more about those Messianics who are trying to build a Judaism around Yeshua.

  • In the beginning, with wisdom, the son of YHWH created the heavens and the earth – The Targum Neofiti has the text “the son of YHWH” as the creator of the heavens and the earth. Is this a later insertion by the Christian church, or is it an authentic part of the text?

  • Verdict in Be’er Sheva a blow against Messianic believers in Israel – Judaism-shaming Yad L’achim activists infiltrated and started a riot at an Israeli Messianic congregation in 2005. Messianics brought a lawsuit against the perpetrators, but the court has ruled against the Messianics, and ordered them to pay the lawyer fees of the perpetrators.



Enjoy the tasty bracha morsels!


  1. As Stuart says,

    "We who claim Yeshua the Son of David as both Lord and Messiah should be recruiting all Israel to the regathering of the seed of Jacob to the Land." Amein! For all of Israel!! This is what all Messianic believers have in common!

    And as Stuart ends, “unity, repentance-renewal, allegiance to the Messiah the Son of David, Torah-based covenant faithfulness, the communal experience of the Divine Presence, and the vindication of God’s name through the accomplishing of these things.
    Amein again!

    Are we that far apart… the MJTI sees the seed of Jacob as only Jewish, others see it as Jewish and Israelite. How could it be wrong for all to enter through the same door?


  2. "the MJTI sees the seed of Jacob as only Jewish, others see it as Jewish and Israelite."

    There are no Israelites apart from the Jewish people (a.k.a. "Hebrews"). Only Jews are Israelites, and one thing that adherents of British Israelism, Mormonism, JWs, WWCG, Two House Mov. and other similar religious movements all have in common is that they have decided to "elect" themselves to replace Israelites, the Jewish people, whether in part or in full (it doesn't matter at all).


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