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Blog Discussions

I love writing of the things I'm passionate about. This blog has given me the soapbox to stand on, and I think things have worked out well.

But even more, I love the discussion that follows in the blog comments. Often times, the most interesting meat of a post is in the comments. Right now that's happening with Torah and the Gentiles from yesterday, with a few regulars coming with some deep discussion in the comments.

Yeah, there's the occasional drive-by-shooting comment, the spam here and there, and every now and then, something hateful posted. Nonetheless, I've been pleased at the quality of the comments on this site.

Like prolific tech blogger Jeff Atwood, I feel that a blog without comments isn't a blog. If it doesn't have comments, you're not getting feedback, you're not getting discussion; the end result is a not a blog, it's a dissertation, an essay, or newsletter. It's not a blog.

Jeff likens a blog without comments to a preacher at a church:

"It's more like a church pulpit. You preach the word, and the audience passively receives your evangelical message. Straight from God's lips to their ears. When the sermon is over, the audience shuffles out of the church, inspired for another week. And there's definitely no question and answer period afterward."

I heartily agree. I follow about 60 blogs (mostly tech-related) using the free RSS Bandit reader, and of these, perhaps only 2 or 3 of these blogs disable comments. I'm routinely frustrated by these few that disable comments; so many times I have wanted to discuss one of Derek Leman's excellent posts on the Jewish gospel of Jesus, for example, only to be disappointed when I remember he doesn't allow comments.

Discussion is my favorite part of blogging.

So, dear readers, keep discussing. I think I've learned a lot from the discussions so far and am really encouraged to see the kind of civil discussions going on here lately. Your discussions and your beliefs influence me more than I let on. Thank you, fine blog reader, for getting involved.

And for you less-than-fine blog readers who refuse to make yourself known, hey, now's the time. Drop me a line in the comments, even if it's just to say hello and "Hi, I read your blog".

(There, big text so you couldn't miss it. smile)

Or maybe you don't agree with something I said? Tell me why, I promise to discuss it civilly with you.

Agree with something I write? Chime in and defend me, the poor author, from the attacks of my misguided readers. wink

I love discussing things with you guys. Thanks for reading and even more for your discussions.


Appending "You might like" to each post.