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Happy Scriptural New Year!

The new moon of the month of the Aviv (barley) was sighted in Israel after sunset at 7:05pm Jerusalem time on Monday, April 7, 2008. The barley crop in the land of Israel had matured to the stage of aviv during the added 13th month (Adar bet), which brings us to the Scriptural head of the year.

God told us in Scripture this indicates "the beginning of months for you." Scripture tells us that the 14th day of this first month, we are to celebrate God's Passover in remembrance of death passing over us in Egypt, and God's deliverance of Israel from slavery.

The New Testament tells us that Messiah celebrated Passover this month with his disciples, and we are to celebrate the Feast in 2 weeks "in rememberance" of him. This is also the month Messiah, the unleavened Lamb of God, was given up as the final atonement for our sin.

Happy Biblical New Year!

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