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(Re-) Introducing EtzMitzvot

Hey friends, here's something I've been hacking on over the winter break that you may find interesting: EtzMitzvot

EtzMitzvot is the place to go see how Torah commandments are related to each other. It's a fun, visual way to learn more about the Law of Moses in the Bible. It's inspired by Yeshua's words in Mattew 2,

But the Pharisees, when they heard that Yeshua had silenced the Sadducees, gathered together in one place. And testing Him, one of them, a lawyer, asked, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Torah?”

And He said to him, “‘You shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire Torah and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
What would it look like to have the whole Torah hang off those two greatest commandments? EtzMitzvot aims to show you. 🙂

Some of my long-time readers may remember I started on this idea some 10 years ago! But after some initial work, I let it languish and didn't do anything with it. 

Over the winter break I updated the site to make it, ya know, halfway decent. It works on mobile now. All the commandments are stored in standard JSON format. EtzMizvot now shows you interesting stats about the commandments, like how many can be kept today, how many can be kept anywhere (as opposed to those that can be kept only in the land of Israel), how many are kept by Christians, Jews, Messianic Jews, and more.

You can tap or click on a commandment to view more details about it:

Currently about 70 of the 613 commandments have been added to the tree. My goal, going along with Aaron's encouragement to spend time in the Bible in 2025, is to add new commandments to the tree every Tuesday. I'll blog about it about as often. Torah Tuesdays. Keep an eye out that here on the Kineti blog.

Enjoy friends! And do let me know what you think.

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