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Yair Levi - Keter (Crown)

Some beautiful music I just uploaded to Chavah today. I'm particularly stunned by the awe and beauty of this one:


Keter yitnu lecha כתר יתנו לך

They will crown You

Hashem Eloheinu השם אלוהינו

LORD our God

Malachim ha-monei ma'alah מלאכים המוני מעלה

Angels, the multitudes of heaven

Im amcha Yisrael kvutzei matah עם עמך ישראל קבוצי מטה

With Your people Israel gathering below

Yachad kulam kedusha lecha yeshaleshu יחד כולם קדושה לך ישלשו

Together everyone will speak the threefold declaration of Your holiness

K'davar ha'amur, k'davar ha'amur al yad neviakh כדבר האמור על יד נביאך

As is said, as it is said by Your prophet

V'karah zeh al zeh v'amar וקרא זה אל זה ואמר

They call out to one another, saying,

Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh Hashem tzvaot קדוש קדוש קדוש השם צבאות

Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts

Melo kol ha'aretz k'vodo מלא כל הארץ כבודו

The whole world is filled with His glory

Just taken aback by the lyrics and melody. So beautiful. I must have listened to it 20 times tonight.

Figured out the guitar chords for it as well.

Hope it blesses you, fine Kineti reader.

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