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Chavah: Passing Messiah’s music on to the next generation

Something memorable happened tonight, fine Kineti readers.

You see, over the last few months, I’ve been improving Chavah Messianic Radio version 2: it now runs on your phone, tablet, PC, Mac, Linux box. All of it. No install required. Just go to and you’re rolling.

Last week I added a nifty feature to the new Chavah v2:


See that “shout” icon next to the pause button? It’s the song request button. Click that, and you can type the name of an artist, album, or song name:


Here, I’ve typed “mashiach”, and it found several matches. From there, I click one of the songs, click the “Request this song” button, and Chavah will play the song for everyone listening to her tunes.

Cool, eh?

imageHere’s the story:

I went down to pray with my 12 year old son, Connor, before bed tonight. He had Chavah Messianic Radio loaded onto his phone, and was listening to Mashiach Ben David by Lenny & Varda Harris. He told me, “I’m surprised it’s only ranked 19. It should be ranked 130.”

We talked about that song a bit, told him what the Hebrew meant. Told him maybe I’d play it for our congregation next shabbat.

We paused the music. We finished praying.

Then, I darted up to my computer, launched Chavah, requested Mashiach Ben David, and thumbed it up.

Connor heard the song request and laughed, knowing it was me.

Chavah played it for everyone, and just now I noticed from Chavah’s automated Twitter account that a few others thumbed it up as well.



There’s something deeply satisfying about seeing all these pieces come together, folks. Messiah’s music streaming to the masses. Software making the good tunes float to the top. Users’ thumb-ups amplifying the good stuff. Digitally joking around with my son over Messianic music. Passing Messiah’s tunes on to the next generation.

I’m reflecting on all that, and I’m smiling.

Thought I’d share my joyful, proud moment with you all.

(Happy Father’s Day!)

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