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Weekend tip

If you're reading this blog, you're probably blogging yourself, or at least have some kind of web presence of your own on MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Hi5, Live Spaces, or Twiibook MeebuSpace.

Just kidding, I made up that last one.

Seriously though, if you have any kind of web presence, you probably know how to post HTML links, right? You know, if you type

<a href="">this is a link to Google</a>
It turns into: this is a link to Google

Child's play, piece of cake. We learned that in kindergarten.

And you know how to do images too, right? You know, if you type,
<img src="" />
It turns into:

Easy as cheese. After "mommy" and "daddy", the next phrase out of your mouth was "image source equals". So we're all experts here.

Well here's something you probably didn't know. You can put charts anywhere on your page. Now, you probably just wet yourself, but no, it's not too good to be true. Go and change your pants, then come back.

Did you go change? Seriously, wet pant readers are not welcomed on this blog. Go change. I'll wait right here.

All done? Ok, now I can show you how to put a chart into your Web 2.0 presence in all its Fung Shui HTML zen. It will tickle your inner geek fancy. Here we go:

<img src=",30&chs=350x100&chl=Piece of cake|Easy as cheese" />

That will turn into

Cool, eh?

Here's a little chart that shows what I've been blogging about lately:

Brilliant. Now you know how to do charts. You can thank Google Charts.

Shabbat shalom fine blog readers, have a great weekend everybody. Now back to your regularly scheduled Flomax commercials.

Appending "You might like" to each post.